Bridging your Syscoin From Binance to Syscoin NEVM Mainnet

4 min readJan 30, 2022


Binance does not offer a direct bridge from Binance to Syscoin Mainnet at the time of writing. So the bridging process is a little bit more complicated compared to other EVM coins.

The are 2 ways to get funds on Syscoin Mainnet on this timestamp

  1. Bridge your funds from ERC20 to Syscoin NEVM Mainnet with Anyswap.Exchange
  2. Transfer your Syscoin from your exchange to the SPT layer and use Syscoins own Bridge from SPT to EVM

For both ways it is needed to setup your metamask account first, if you have not already.

How do I set up Metamask and connect to Syscoin Mainnet.

  1. Install Metamask [Chrome Extension]
  2. Configure Metamask to connect to Syscoin Mainnet
  3. For new Metamask users out there, you will realise that your wallet is connected to the Ethereum network by default and you wouldn’t be able to interact with the dApps on Syscoin.
  4. For a quick auto setup to add syscoin mainnet head to and click Connect Wallet.

5. Once Connected, search for Syscoin in the search bar.

6. For Mainnet, click Add to Metamask.
7. You have now connected to the Syscoin Mainnet Network.

Manual Parameters to add Syscoin Mainnet to metamask:
If you want to add Syscoin Mainnet manually to your Metamask you can need to fill in the following parameters.

Bridge your funds from ERC20 to Syscoin Mainnet

  1. Go to
  2. Use Ethereum to Syscoin Mainnet
  3. Put in the coin you want to bridge + amount.
    (Right now, only stable coins + ETH/BTC work)
  4. Bridge and follow instructions on Anyswap

Bridge your funds from Binance to Syscoin Mainnet

  1. Install Paliwallet and make an wallet
  2. Make sure Metamask wallet is installed.
  3. Make sure there is already a little bit of syscoin on your metamask wallet to pay for the final gas fee. You can request a little bit of syscoin by using the official Faucet:
  4. Read the instructions on the website how the faucet works. Since you have to post on Twitter or Facebook first.
  5. To begin the bridging process, go to
  6. Use the SYS → SYSX bridge
  7. Enter the amount you wanna bridge and click on burn
    Paliwallet should pop up and accept the transaction.

When it is succesful, it should look something like this and click on finish.

8. Now your SYS became SYSX and it is ready to be bridged to the Syscoin Mainnet

9. Click on the SYSX → NEVM Bridge

10. For the “assest GUID” section you want to put in “123456” this represents Syscoins token ID

In the “amount” section you put in the amount of syscoin you want to bridge.

In the third row you put in your Metamask adress where you want your sys tokens to be send to.

Once filled in, click on the burn button and accept the transaction in Paliwallet.

11. On step 2, wait around 2.5 minutes and click on Submit SPV proof. Keep trying the button till it says succesful, if it failed before.

12. For step 3, make sure you used the faucet explained in the beginning to pay for the final gas fee. Click on submit SPV proofs and your metamask will pop up

Connect your Metamask wallet to the site.

Accept the transaction to complete the briding process.
Wait around 2.5 minutes for the transaction to be complete. Do not panic if it takes longer, blocktimes sometime take alot longer.

13. If the transcation is complete, congratulations you succefully bridged your Syscoin from Binance to Mainnet!🎉

Don’t forget to join Sysdoge’s Telegram channel!
Sysdoge will go live once Pegasys Dex goes live on mainnet!


